Investigation Findings into Targeting of Lynnwood City Councilmember Joshua Binda

Preliminary Investigative Findings on Allegations of discriminatory acts toward Joshua Binda, Lynnwood City Council Member.
The complaint was brought to the NAACP Snohomish County by a concerned third party.
Our investigation, to date, has consisted of reviewing policies, council meeting videos, minutes, documents obtained voluntarily and through public disclosure requests. The investigation, so far, has also included interviewing council members and city administrators.
The first installment of our report addresses the actions of Council President Sessions.
This report presents the initial findings of an ongoing comprehensive investigation into the allegations made against Councilperson Joshua Binda and starts with assessing the validity of the accusations made publicly by Council President Shannon Sessions to determine the extent to which they were supported by evidence.

Findings (Updated 07/22/2023):
Hostile Work Environment:
Emails uncovered during the investigation revealed that Council President Shannon Sessions acted to engage an ethics committee in response to Mr. Binda winning his election. This shows that Councilperson Binda was stepping into a hostile work environment created before he was seated. Furthermore, Council President Sessions overstepped her authority by instructing the council’s assistant not to process Mr. Binda’s travel request until the city council approved his attendance. This is not city policy and was an unnecessary hindrance to his attending the National League of Cities Conference. According to the city’s process, only the finance director has the authority to approve requests for reimbursements. Council President Sessions led the Council’s action recommending that the Finance Director deny Councilperson Binda’s reimbursement request.
Unauthorized Trip Allegation:
Council President Sessions accused Councilperson Binda of taking an unauthorized trip to Washington, D.-C., to attend the National League of Cities Conference, claiming that the Council had not approved his travel and that taxpayers were wrongfully footing the bill. However, City policy states that each Council member is allocated $2500 to be used at their discretion for personal edification or City business. Mr. Binda had the authority to utilize his allocated funds for the trip. He did not need permission from the Council President or the Council. Sessions also stated publicly that Councilperson Binda, a duly elected official, did not have permission to represent the City of Lynnwood, or his constituents, without her or the Council’s permission.
Although Council President Sessions publicly questioned Councilperson Binda’s speaking engagement at the conference- witnesses and video evidence confirmed that he gave the closing speech for the youth delegates session as a replacement for Congressman Maxwell Frost the first Gen Z and Afro-Cuban elected to Congress.
Inappropriate Communication with the Media:
Shannon Sessions shared erroneous information with media outlets, bypassing the city’s public information officer and presenting her opinions as facts. This inappropriate communication aimed to discredit Councilperson Binda publicly was picked up and shared by multiple media outlets.
Retaliatory Actions:
The City Council passed new rules since Mr. Binda became a member, that impact Councilperson Binda’s ability to serve as a Councilmember and make a living. These rules are perceived as retaliatory tactics to create barriers to deter the younger generation from participating in the electoral process.
Ethics Complaint:
An ethics complaint alleged that Mr. Binda used the Council Chambers and email for personal gain. The investigation revealed that this was an unknowing mistake, not an intentional act, and was resolved through a settlement agreement with the Council.
Based on the NAACP Snohomish County’s investigation, to date, it is evident that the allegations made against Councilperson Joshua Binda by Council President Shannon Sessions were found to be untrue or lacking merit. The investigation established that Mr. Binda had the authority to use his discretionary funds for travel. Concerns were raised regarding the Council’s attempts to influence reimbursement decisions and actions taken to create barriers that interfered with Mr. Binda’s ability to perform his duties as a council person, suggesting potential violations of proper protocol. Additionally, the complaints regarding ethics were acknowledged as unintentional and resolved by mutual agreement.
A note to the media:
This investigation emphasizes the importance of accurate reporting and thorough research. Verifying claims before publishing is crucial to avoid spreading misinformation. The media plays a vital role in presenting accurate and verified information for a safe, fair, and informed community.